Seismic surveys are essential for understanding the geology of sedimentary basins and reducing exploration risk. Applying seismic technology to oil & gas exploration help energy companies to be more efficient in extracting oil and gas from reservoirs.
Exploration of geothermal deposits is associated with a significant risk resulting from the ignorance of the deep geological structure. The key element of any geothermal investment is therefore the proper location of the installation, which would guarantee appropriate hydrogeothermal parameters of the water intake.
Geological and geotechnical characterization is important for designing offshore wind turbine foundations. It is because the wind farm installation without the prior ground inspection can be eroded away by hydrodynamic processes activated by the wind and wave actions.
A comprehensive soil survey in necessary both in infrastructure construction, as well as in railway, road tunnels and mining industries. Proper evaluation of the soils suitability for any construction project helps making accurate operational plans and knowledgeable decisions.